-Turgut (known as Turgineer in internet) is a Turkish person who makes 3D animations as a hobby in social media, he is especially known for being active in the comments section of Reddit and YouTube.
His profile character is Engineer from Team Fortress 2 who wearing Ottoman Fez on the Engineer Helmet. Compatible with Turgineer's nickname.
Turgineer's goal is to animate about the series, games and people he loves and also puts his own character, Turgineer, in some of his animations, which is to convey Turkish culture to the world in an entertaining way. However, he needs to learn 3D modelling and animating to make his dream come true.
Turgineer first made Source Filmmaker animations at 2017 inspired by Team Fortress 2 animations on YouTube. Since he did this as a hobby for a long time, he did not develop himself in animation seriously. He is making animations as a hobby.
In 2018, he made a few attempts at creating a new nickname and made his name "Turkish Engineer" as a sketch, inspired by his favorite game character, the Engineer from Team Fortress 2, later shortened to Tur-gineer. (Turkish pronunciation: "Turciniyır"). The structure of the name Turgineer is inspired by Vagineer.
Turgineer's main goal is to have channel verification tick by YouTube and other media:
Becoming a popular YouTube commentor: He has been actively commenting on YouTube since 2020. Turgineer's habit of constantly writing comments reason was mostly to remember the videos he had watched before. The YouTube has a problem that it forgets the watched videos in a short time. Turgineer first tried to solve this problem by liking the video that he watched , but the number of liked videos was stuck at 5.000 and he discovered that sometimes the likes of the videos he liked disappeared. For this reason, Turgineer got into the habit of writing basic comments, but he saw with his own eyes that he's comments can get lost too.
Over time, many people stated that they saw Turgineer many times, which motivated Turgineer to write comments more and changed the main purpose of his commenting. Turgineer accept that he has so many comments in YouTube because he spends too much time on YouTube and doesn't fully watch most of the videos he watches. In 2024, he accidentally reached the makximum limit of 5.000 videos for his "watch later" list, which he saved to comment on later. (lol)
The article is updated since 2019 by Turgineer himself.