Animation Projects

This is the page that shows the titles and short descriptions of the planned projects. The projects do not yet have an estimated release date. The names of the stories come from models of the French automotive brand Renault, an intriguing obsession of the artist.

All of these projects are in the planning stages, and their realization is unknown:

  • Star Wars: Symbol 

    Turgie's Star Wars fan animated series, which will consist of three seasons. The story writing included the cancelled Star Wars: Twizy & R19[Regeneration 19] stories.

The story will focus on the philosophical side of science fiction rather than action. It will begin 10 years before the Clone Wars in the Star Wars timeline and end with the establishment of the New Republic. The planet where the story takes place will be set in a "...a far ...far away galaxy" in order to avoid Disney's canon conflicts and expand the universe, but the majority of the screen time will be in the main galaxy.

The story is around 40% complete, but animation production has been postponed indefinitely due to the extreme Blender and Houdini skills required to produce this series.

Turgineer describes it as having the potential to be a standalone sci-fi series on its own.

  • R5

    A side story that will be connected to the fan-made TF2 story Emesis Blue. The story takes place in a strategically important deserted BLU mining facility. Our main character Turbo (TF2 Scout) who owns a Renault 5 is assigned to this facility as a soldier and is tasked with defending against RED. 

Let's see what kind of trouble the Spawn Machine will cause this time.

  • Kendini Capturmak

    A love story about talents.

  • Harem Traffic

    An anime like harem parodi story.

  • Broadway War

    An alien war in Broadway street, New York.

  • Kangoo Day

    Payday 2 story.

  • 12 LandLords

    Side Mad Max story with Renault 12.

  • Vel Satis

        A short thrift store animation, short but enjoyable.

  • Mount & Master

    Mount and Blade style, a story set in the middle ages.

  • M3gan ve Megane

        A short fight video of the horror movie character M3gan and the Renault Megane.

For now, that's all.

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